Wednesday, February 1

Hurry Over To New Look

Spent the last few days figuring out what to write about and I've decided that another post about New Look couldn't hurt. After I posted about what I like in New Look at the moment, I knew that I wouldn't be able to resist going down to one of their stores. Which I couldn't. I ended up going two hours later,  when my Mum could drop me off. The store nearest me is only tiny and didn't have everything that was on the website, but I found a few things that were great.

Three tops and a pair of jeggings, which are more like jeans than anything else.
Mystic Zebra Print Tank Top: £12.99

The rest of the clothes aren't actually on the website and some of them have been wrapped up for my birthday. I'll post a photo of them once I get them on the eleven of February.

Saturday, January 28

My Obsession With New Look

As some will know my birthday is in exactly two weeks. Eleventh of February. Everyone in my family, other than my Mum, never buy me clothes. They say I am too picky and aren't even going to bother, so this year I'm going out with my Mum and picking out a few things that I would like, and then she'll pass them round the family to wrap up. 

After looking on the New Look website I found a few things that I absolutely loved! I'm not so much into the girly tops that are uncomfortable and too revealing, but these tops seem fine. Obviously I know that photos of clothes and the real thing could be different, so if I ever see them in the shop down town I'll definitely be trying these on!

New Look have got a great selection on their website at the moment and I only got to page five or six, so have a look and buy buy buy! 

Trying out Bloglovin

<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

The Confusion Blogger Is Sending Me Into!

When I'm searching through blog after blog, finding ones that I love and could follow, I never seem to understand the whole process of following. Obviously I know how to and why we follow other blogs, but whenever I go back onto the dashboard, it never shows me the new blogs I am following. It's as though I'm not. 

After finding out this I can't go back to the blogs I loved, because I can't remember the url. Someone help?

If any of you have the answer to solve this confusion I have, please comment on this post of e-mail me at 

Friday, January 27

Journal Entry #3

This week has been hectic! Usually I only do a few things during the week, but this week I've done something every day. I feel so exhausted and tired, but that may be the tablets.  Guys, friends, hospitals and family is what my week consisted of and I wish that I had actually slept all day of Wednesday.

College from nine till four and then I met up with a couple of friends and had dinner out.

Had a blood test in the morning and then slept the rest of the day. In the evening (even though I know it isn't something I did, but it took an hour of my evening anyway and turned my good mood upside down) I had this guy calling me up 30 plus times asking for me to come out. I would have if he wasn't waiting for a bus which was due within fifteen minutes.

Went to look after a family friend's dogs, who were pains and I hope I never have to look after  them again.

I went to college 11-4 and then went back to my Nan's house to see my Auntie and have dinner. Then I went out with a few friends in the freezing cold and hurt my legs.

The rest of my week/weekend is pretty unplanned but I hope it is made of much, I just want to sleep! I know I sound like such a drama queen or a moody cow, but I like my alone time or a day where I just do nothing. No make-up, hair products or clothes! I'm sure most other people are the same.

Tuesday, January 24

Journal Entry #2

Cant sleep. I've been up for hours, but still can't seem to trigger the part of my brain that lets me sleep. I have to be up and out of the door for eight, so I can go to pick up my Nan. My Nan is my rock and stays with me through things like this, my Mum is as scared as I am so she's no good. I think the appointment at the hospital is nine or nine thirty, I'm trying not to think about it too much. The doctors even prescribed me this 'special' gel that is meant to make your arm numb before, worth a try!

This irritating person keeps texting me during the night, which wakes me up every time. Some people would tell me to turn my phone on silent, but I never do. After the accident I've learnt to keep my phone switched on as you never know whats going to happen or who is going to try and contact you. 

Going to attempt to have at least an hours sleep. Wish me luck.

Monday, January 23

Journal Entry #1

Today was a mixture of good and bad, bad being the thought of the blood test! I did so much work at college today that it's hard to I even had anything to do towards the end of the day, but I did! I'm pleased with the amount of work I'm getting signed off and think it'll be fine to have a few more days off, if I need them. I even made the choice to not go to work tomorrow, having to deal with the stress of the blood test and then spend the day working, I couldn't do it. 

I met up with a few mates this evening, had a meal and then went back to one of the guy's house. We were having a laugh and talking about his new girl until he brother come in. His family is quite rough, and he constantly tells us stories about his brother being in prison, so was a shock to see him walk through the door. Me and the others left at that point, and they all walked me home. Definitely gentlemen!