Saturday, January 21

Young Love

I was out with a few friends at the weekend, down the town having a lovely hot chocolate in Starbucks. Starbucks is an open shop, which is all windows and no walls, so we decided to people spot. We recognized some people that went by, but my mind was mostly drawn to the numerous couples hanging around in the middle of the shopping center. They were sitting on the floor opposite Starbucks, all loved up, and must have only been about thirteen years old. 

It made me think about when I was their age and what I had done then to pass time. I come to the conclusion that young teenagers now days are too open about their feelings. I used to go shopping or go round a friends house. If I was in a relationship I would definitely not sit around town with five other couples making a fool out of myself, I'd go to theirs or they'd come to mine and once in a while we'd take a stroll down the beach.

This sighting is just another reminder that romance is disappearing and in its place is lust. Most teenagers are unable to realize just how important love is in a relationship, it isn't just about sex and how good of a kisser they are. I think that is what the population is forgetting; mothers and fathers forgetting to tell their children about love and how they met, or older brothers and sisters not guiding them in the right direction.

I myself do not have anything brothers or sister, so I had to find out about relationships and lust on my own. Sure, my Mum told me about how her and my Dad met, but I know that it isn't going to happen that way for me. I had a boyfriend when I was fourteen and it wasn't about sex and kissing, we never had sex throughout the relationship, it was because we liked each other and liked being together. All relationships have their rough spots, but young teenagers today won't realize that, because they aren't in a relationship at all, they just like the thought of being in one.

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